Thursday, June 28, 2012

Dog Training Tips: Finding a Good Dog Training Classe

Find a Good Dog Training Class:

When you get a new dog, one of the first things you should be thinking about is dog training. If you Google the phrase “dog trainer”, you’ll get pages and pages

Dog Training Tips:Finding a Good Dog Training Classe

Monday, June 18, 2012

Basic Dog Care Tips: More Fun Dog Cookie Recipes

More Fun Dog Cookie Recipes

Listed below are two Dog Cookie recipes that you can have fun making at home for your dog and enjoy giving him a special treat made by

Basic Dog Care Tips: More Fun Dog Cookie Recipes

Monday, June 11, 2012

Dog Training Methods: Your Dog's Digging Behavior

Dealing with Your Dog’s Digging Behavior

Digging for dogs is a natural behavior that has several uses for them in the wild. Dogs dig for a wide variety of reasons. They may be bored and looking

Dog Training Methods: Your Dog's Digging Behavior