Friday, November 2, 2012

How to Stop Inappropriate Dog Chewing?

Are You Dealing with a Dog Chewing on Inappropriate things?

Dogs chew on things. It's a common, natural behavior. It's also good for them because it helps to keep their teeth and gums healthy

How to Stop Inappropriate Dog Chewing?

Friday, October 5, 2012

How to Choose the Best Dog Sitter?

Choosing the Best Dog Sitter for Your Dog

When you’re a dog owner there is a lot more to consider right before you go on vacation. It’s not just a matter of getting you and the kids

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What to Do When You Go Away

How Do You Take Care of Your Dog When You Need to Travel?

It can be a dilemma to figure out what to do with your dog or cat if you go away. It is up to you to find a suitable solution and have

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Friday, August 31, 2012

How to Find A Dog Breeder

Finding a Dog Breeder

If you’re in the market for a purebred dog, you’ll need to find a dog breeder from which to purchase your new puppy. This can often be as easy as opening the classified
Dog Training at Home: How to Find A Dog Breeder

Friday, August 17, 2012

Dog Training For Fun: Training Your Golden Retriever Puppy?

Training Your Golden Retriever Puppy for Fun:

Would you like to have fun training your Golden Retriever Puppy? Are you in search of simple but effective tactics that can help you complete a

Training Your Golden Retriever Puppy for Fun:

Friday, August 3, 2012

Basic Dog Care Tips:What is Pet Insurance?

What is Pet Insurance and Do You Need It?

Do you have a pet? For sure you are like other pet owners who sincerely and generously love their pets. Thus, you need to secure a pet insurance. This

Basic Dog Care Tips:What is Pet Insurance?

Monday, July 23, 2012

Basic Dog Care Tips:Advantages And Disadvantages Of Getting Pet Insurance

What are the Advantages And Disadvantages Of Getting Pet Insurance?

When our pets get sick, we want to provide the best health care possible. But how do we do that if hospitalization, treatment

Basic Dog Care Tips:Advantages And Disadvantages Of Getting Pet Insurance

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Flat Dog Beds Vs Bolster Dog Beds

Flat vs Bolster Dog beds: Which is the Best Dog Bed for Your Dog?

There are three to five different types of dog beds on the market, but all of these beds fall into two categories flat or bolstered. Most of your orthopedic foam pads, pillow dog beds or elevated beds are considered flat type beds. Anything with a soft centered pad that is surrounded with stuffed sides that allows a dog to curl up when he sleep is considered a bolstered bed. The doughnut or bagel shaped beds and nesting style dog beds with their filled cushioned sides fall into the bolster bed category. Different dogs have different ways of sleeping. To find the best dog bed for your large dogyou first need to watch how they sleep and then read about the different types of beds on the market. 

Does your dog lay down on his side with all four of his legs stretched out on the floor or carpet when he sleeps? Then you want to look at dog beds that fall into the flat categories, but which one is right for your dog. 

Pillow or Cushion Dog Beds
These dog beds are basically large, flat cushion made with thick pads or egg carton foam for your dog to lie down on. This type of dog bed is great for the dog that likes to lie on the floor with all four legs stretched out as far as they can go. Most dogs will probably appreciate a comfortable cushion or pillow dog bed that allows them to fit their entire body on and sit have room to spread out. The cushion type beds are designed for indoor use only and will keep your dog warm during the winter, but some of these types of bed can be hot in the summer months. These beds come in a variety of sizes and materials with zippered cover that are washable.

Orthopedic or Memory Foam Dog Beds
These types of dog beds are made from medical Orthopedic foam or Memory foam just like the ones made for humans.  You might want to consider purchasing this type of dog bed for an older dog with back, joint or muscle problems and very thin dogs like greyhounds who would appreciate the extra padding because they are so bony. These dog beds are made from extra thick foam any where from 3 to 5 inches more than the average foam pad which helps to relieve joint pressure and reduce muscle stress. The thicker foam makes it easy for older dog to get in and out of their beds. These dog beds come in a variety of sizes, so you can get them for a large or small dog to make them more comfortable.

Elevated Dog Beds
Elevated or raised dog beds are flat type dog beds that lift your dog several inches off the floor keeping him warm in winter and allowing cool air to circulate underneath during the hot summer months. These beds are made from treated canvas fabric that is stretched across a metal or plastic frame making them a great for both indoor and outdoor use. Many of these frame come with an UV resistance finish that can stand any type of outdoor weather and the canvas top will withstand mold, mildew and insects making them one of the most durable bed on the market. The plastic or metal frames, legs and edges on these types of dog beds are chew proof and come in several colors. They are one of the easiest beds to clean with spray of the garden hose and mild soap.  

Does your dog curl his body up into a ball as he snuggles into blankets or pillows that he find on the floor? Then you want to purchase a dog bed that is considered the bolstered type.

 Donuts or Bagel Type Dog Beds
Bagel and Doughnut style dog beds are perfect for dogs who like to curled up when they sleep. They perfect for the dog who wants to feel safe and secure. Most of these type beds are purchased for smaller dogs, but large dog like them too. Many of these beds come in a large or extra large for the large dog that like that secure and warm spot to sleep. These types of dog beds usually have a very soft foam center covered with material and a plush filled cushion all the way around the bed, so they may not be as easy to clean as cushion dog beds when they get dirty.

Nesting Dog Beds
Nesting or true Bolstered type dog beds are beds with raised sides. They can come in several different styles like all four sides raised around a filled center making a box shape that your dog climb into, three poly filled sides that surrounding a egg carton foam center with an opening for your dog to enter, or they could just have one raised side for your dog to lean against. Some of these beds even have orthopedic foam for older dogs that have stiff joints. This is the ideal dog bed for dogs who like to rest their head on a pillow or the arm of a sofa. Both large dogs and small dogs like nesting beds. Many of these types of bed come with zippered covers that are washable.

Buying the best dog bed for your large dog will be easy once you discover the dog bed that fits his sleeping style along with where you want to place that bed and fall within your budget range, but remember that quality counts when it comes to purchasing a dog bed. A well made dog bed will last a lot longer and save you money in the end.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Dog Products:Things to Consider When Buying Designer Dog Beds for Retrievers:

Things to Consider When Buying Designer Dog Beds for Retrievers

When the words designer dog beds come up in a conversation, most people picture a toy breed puppy, but retrievers need a dog bed too.

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Monday, July 16, 2012

Dog Training at Home: Dog Training Aids

What are the Best Dog Training Aids?

You may think that dog training aids are out there for you to spend money and not actually reap any benefits from. That is not the case. Dog training aids are

Dog Training at Home: Dog Training Aids

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Dog Training Tips: Finding a Good Dog Training Classe

Find a Good Dog Training Class:

When you get a new dog, one of the first things you should be thinking about is dog training. If you Google the phrase “dog trainer”, you’ll get pages and pages

Dog Training Tips:Finding a Good Dog Training Classe

Monday, June 18, 2012

Basic Dog Care Tips: More Fun Dog Cookie Recipes

More Fun Dog Cookie Recipes

Listed below are two Dog Cookie recipes that you can have fun making at home for your dog and enjoy giving him a special treat made by

Basic Dog Care Tips: More Fun Dog Cookie Recipes

Monday, June 11, 2012

Dog Training Methods: Your Dog's Digging Behavior

Dealing with Your Dog’s Digging Behavior

Digging for dogs is a natural behavior that has several uses for them in the wild. Dogs dig for a wide variety of reasons. They may be bored and looking

Dog Training Methods: Your Dog's Digging Behavior

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Training your puppy:Stopping Biting Problems

Training your puppy:eliminating biting behaviors

Bringing home a new puppy is always an exciting time, but you must remember that training your puppy is one of the first challenges and preventing

Training your puppy:Stopping Biting Problems

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Three Dog Cookie Recipes

Some Fun Dog Cookie Recipes

Listed below are two Dog Cookie recipes that you can have fun making at home for your dog and enjoy giving him a special treat made by you.

Dog cookie recipes 1:

Three Dog Cookie Recipes:make your own treat to use when you are training your dog

Friday, May 18, 2012

Dog Training At Home Video - Training Your Dog To Pee And Poop On Command

Dog Training At Home Video


Dog Training At Home:Training Your Dog To Pee And Poop On Command

Standing outside in the freezing cold or pouring rain waiting for your dog to pee

Dog Training At Home Video - Training Your Dog To Pee And Poop On Command

Basic Dog Care Video: How to Give Your Dog a Massage

How to Give Your Dog a Massage

First watch the video on how to give your Dog a Massage:

This will teach you more about how to give your dog a massage. You first start by applying firm

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Dog Grooming: Learn Basic Tips and Trick to Groom Your Dog

Reason to Learn Basic Dog Grooming

There are many reasons why you need to become a dog grooming expert. It will not only help your dog’s coat to look super shiny, there are also some health

Dog Grooming:Learn Basic Tips and Trick to Groom Your Dog

Basic Dog Care Tips Video: How to Give a Dog a Shot

How to Give a Dog a Shot



Basic Dog Care Tips Video: How to Give a Dog a Shot

How to Give a dog a shot with tips from a veterinarian in this free video on dog care.

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How to Be Your Dog's Best Friend: The Classic Training Manual for Dog Owners

How to Be Your Dog's Best Friend: The Classic Training Manual for Dog Owners

ISBN13: 9780316610001

Condition: New

Notes: BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Dog Training at Home:How To Stop All That Dog Barking?

Do you have a problem with your dog barking?

Do you have a problem with a dog barking and you don't know how to train your dog to stop all that barking? First thing you need to do is to know

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Basic Dog Care Tips: 7 Reasons to Get Better at Dog Grooming

The Top 7 Reason Why You Need to Get Better at Dog Grooming:

Dog grooming is an essential part of ownership. Many people are familiar with the basics such as removing tangles and shampooing for a

Basic Dog Care Tips: 7 Reasons to Get Better at Dog Grooming

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Basic Dog Care Tips:How to Trim Your Dog's Nails?

Are You Afraid to Trim Your Dog's Nails?

Are you comfortable with bathing and grooming your dog, but are concerned when it come to trimming your dog's nails? Don't worry, it's not that hard to learn

Basic Dog Care Tips: How to Trim Your Dog's Nails?

Basic Dog Care Tip:Heart worms in Dogs

Basic Dog Care Tip: Heart worms in Dogs-What are They and What to Do

Heart worms are parasitic worms that are common in both dogs and cats. Just like their name implies, they can live in the dog’s

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Monday, May 14, 2012

Basic Dog Care Tips:What is a Healthy Dog Diet

The Guidelines for a Healthy Dog Diet:

The first requirement in a healthy dog diet is protein, carbohydrates and good fats in the right amounts, but many people are unsure of the proper balance

Basic Dog Care Tips:What is a Healthy Dog Diet?

Friday, May 11, 2012

How to Housebreak Your Dog in 7 Days

How to Housebreak Your Dog in 7 Days

ISBN13: 9780553382891

Condition: New

Notes: BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and

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The Power of Positive Dog Training

The Power of Positive Dog Training

ISBN13: 9780470241844

Condition: New

Notes: BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service

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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Dog Product Reviews:Top Ten Selling Dog Crates

The Top Selling Dog Crate Right Now Is :
Midwest Life Stages Double-Door Folding Metal Dog Crate

Whether starting with a new puppy or an adult dog, the Midwest Life Stages Double-Door Folding Metal Dog Crate  cuts housebreaking time in half.
Dog Product Reviews:Top Ten Selling Dog Crates

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Dog Care Tips:Dog Biscuit Recipes

Some Fun Dog Biscuit Recipes

Listed below are two Dog Biscuits recipes that you can make at home and the best part is you know that your dog is eating healthy

Basic Dog Care Tips:Dog Biscuit Recipes that you can make from home.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Basic Dog Care Tip: Vaccinations For Your Dog

Vaccinations: How Much and How Often Should You Vaccinate Your Dog?

Pet lovers know that it is very important to vaccinate their dog, but how early and how

Basic Dog Care Tip: Vaccinations For Your Dog

Dog Training at Home Tips: Start Puppy Training Early

Should You Start Puppy Training Early?

Many people want to start puppy training right away, because the puppy might be doing things that are less than

Dog Training Tips: Start Puppy Training Early

Monday, May 7, 2012

Dog Products Review:Dog Crates

Types Of Dog Crates:

There are so many varieties of dog crates and cages to choose from that an owner can find something to fit his style. They now come in

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Friday, May 4, 2012

Bestselling Dog Toys for 2012

The Bestselling Dog Toy Right Now Is The:

Nylabone Dura Chew Wishbone Chew Toy

The Nylabone Dura Chew Wishbone Chew Toy is the top seller for several

Bestselling Dog Toys for 2012

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Dog Training at Home:Keeping Your Dog Busy

Dog Training at Home: Keeping your dog busy and preventing household damage:

The hardest part of dog training at home is keeping your dog busy. Is your dog

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Dog Training At Home: Teaching Your Dog Not To Bark

Dog Training at Home: Teaching your Dog Not to Bark

So you've adopted or purchased an dog from a breeder. You love him, he keeps you company,runs with you in

Dog Training At Home: Teach Your Dog Not To Bark

A Basic Guide to Dog Training at Home

Dog Training at Home: Your Basic Guide

Getting a new dog is incredibly exciting. As you’re very aware, there are also a lot of responsibilities that come

A Basic Guide to Dog Training at Home For All New Dog Owners

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Monday, April 30, 2012

Basic Dog Care Tips: Fun Dog Treat Recipes for Cakes You Can Make

Dog Treat Recipes

List below are two more Fun Dog treat recipes that you can enjoy making at home for your dog and share with other dog lovers.

Dog Treat

Basic Dog Care Tips: Fun Dog Treat Recipes For You to Make

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Dog Training Methods: Dog Barking Solutions

Why is my dog barking?

Dog barking is annoying to anyone and most owner want it to stop, but the dog is obviously not happy. This cause you and your neighbors

Dog Training Methods:Three types of collars that help fixing a dog barking problem

Monday, April 23, 2012

Basic Dog Care Tips: Three more Dog Treat Recipes

Dog Treat Recipes

List below are three more Free Healthy Dog treat recipes that you can enjoy making at home for your dog and share with other dog

Basic Dog Care Tips: Fun Summer Dog Treat Recipes

Dog Training at Home: Separation Anxiety or Spoiled?

Does your Dog have Separation Anxiety or Just Spoiled?

The concept of “separation anxiety” is bandied about a lot from puppy owners. They may

Does your Dog have Separation Anxiety or Just Spoiled?

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Dog training at home:Teaching your dog off leash training

Teaching your dog off leash training:

We know that many dog owners are anxious to give their four legged companions the freedom and want to start off

Dog training at home:Teaching your dog off leash training

Monday, April 16, 2012

Dog Training at Home Video:Effective Dog Training - Ian Dunbar

Effective Dog Training - Ian Dunbar



Noted veterinarian and dog trainer Dr. Ian Dunbar offers a few of the "million different

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Dog Training at Home Video- How to train your dog not to bark- Episode 1

How to train your dog not to bark?



Dog Training at Home- Train your dog not to bark- Episode 1

This is Episode 1 in a series

Dog Training at Home Video- How to train your dog not to bark- Episode 1

Basic dog care tips:Free Healthy dog treat recipes

Healthy Dog Treat Recipes

List below are three more Free Healthy Dog treat recipes that you can enjoy making at home for your dog and share with

Basic dog care tips:Free Healthy dog treat recipes

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Basic Dog Care Tips: Healthy Dog Treat Recipes

Healthy Dog Treat Recipes:List below are two Healthy Dog treat recipes that you can make at home.

Dog treat recipes 1: Ace's Favorite Cheesy Dog Biscuits
For this dog treat recipe you will need:
1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
 1 1/4 cups grated cheddar cheese
1/4 pound margarine -- corn oil
1 clove garlic -- crushed
1 pinch salt
1/4 cup Milk -- or as needed
Grate the cheese into a bowl and let stand until it reaches room temperature. Cream the cheese with the softened margarine, garlic, salt and flour. Add enough milk to form into a ball. Chill for 1/2 hour. Roll onto floured board.
Cut into shapes and bake at 375 degrees for 15 minutes or until slightly brown, and firm.
This dog treat recipe Makes about 2 to 3 dozen, depending on size.

Dog Treat Recipes 2:Alfalfa Hearts 
For this dog treat recipe you will need:
2 cups whole wheat flour 1/2 cup soy flour
1 teaspoon bone meal -- optional
2 tablespoons nutritional yeast
 1 tablespoon lecithin -- optional
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
3 tablespoons alfalfa sprouts -- chopped
 1 cup brown rice -- cooked
 3 tablespoons canola oil
 1/2 cup water
 Some of these ingredients can be found at a healthy food store or your local pet shop.
Combine flours, bone meal, yeast, lecithin, salt, garlic powder and alfalfa leaves. Add rice and oil. Combine well. Add 1/4 cup water and mix well. Dough should be very easy to handle, not crumbly. Add more water if needed to achieve proper consistency. Lightly flour board or counter and roll out dough to 1/4 inch thickness.
Cut with 2 1/2 inch cutter.
Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes.
This dog treat recipe Makes 3 dozen.

Conclusion: This is just a collection of dog treat recipes I compiled from online. Some of these recipes nearly sound good enough to eat for me. Check back every week for two more healthy dog treat recipes.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Dog Training At Home:Basic Training Guide

Basic Dog Training Guide:

Getting a new puppy/dog is exciting. A dog is a true companion who will always stick by your side. You will not only need to feed

Dog Training At Home:Basic Training Guide for starting dog training

Dog training at home – the basic commands

Dog training at home– the basic commands

There are of course many reasons for owners to want to dog training at home . For one thing, calm,

Dog training at home – Learning the basic commands to train your own dog

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Training A Labrador Retriever:The Benefits Of Proper Diet And Exercise When Managing Labrador Retriever Training

The Benefits Of Proper Diet And Exercise When Training A Labrador Retriever:

Have you any idea that the right kind of diet and exercise play a significant

Training a Labrador Retriever: Proper Diet

Basic Dog Care Tips: More Healthy Dog Treat Recipes

Healthy Dog Treat Recipes

List below are two more Healthy Dog treat recipes that you can enjoy making at home for your dog and share with other dog lovers.

Dog Treat Recipes  #3: Bow Wow Burritos

For this dog treat recipes you will need:

1 tablespoon oil
12 ounces cooked beef -- *see Note
1 clove garlic -- minced
3 tablespoons chunky peanut butter
1 can sweet potatoes -- (23-oz.) drained
1 can black beans -- (15-oz.) rinsed
1 teaspoon chili powder
1 teaspoon cumin
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
2 teaspoons beef bouillon -- powder
6 flour tortillas -- (10-inch)
2 tablespoons cilantro -- chopped
6 tablespoons cheese -- shredded
6 tablespoons vegetables -- *see Note
Heat oil in large skillet over medium heat until hot. Add garlic; cook and stir 2 to 3 minutes or until tender. Stir in peanut butter, sweet potatoes and beans; mash slightly. Add cumin, cinnamon and chili powder, beef bouillon; mix well. Reduce heat to low; add beef, cover and simmer 2 to 3 minutes or until thoroughly heated, stirring occasionally.
Meanwhile, heat tortillas according to package directions. To serve, spoon and spread scant 1/2 cup mixture across center third of each tortilla with one piece of meat in center.
Top each with 1 tablespoon sour cream, 1 teaspoon cilantro, I
tablespoon Cheese spread to cover mixture.
Fold sides of each tortilla 1 inch over filling. Fold bottom 1/3 of tortilla over filling; roll again to enclose filling.
*Note: Beef or chicken cut into 1/2 inch strips, or "meatless" meat for the vegetarian doggies.
*Note: Optional... Shredded veggies for added nutrition, carrots, green beans, broccoli etc.
Serving Ideas : Add 1 Teaspoon Dog Oil Supplement and 1 teaspoon Dog Powder Mix Supplement for added nutrition before folding burritos.

Dog Treat Recipes #4 : Breath Busters Biscuits

For this dog treat recipe you will need:
1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
1 1/2 cups Bisquick ® baking mix
1/2 cup mint leaves -- loosely packed
1/4 cup milk
4 tablespoons margarine1 egg
1 1/2 tablespoons maple syrup -- or corn syrup
Combine all ingredients in food processor, process until well mixed, mint is chopped, and a large ball forms. Press or roll on non-stick surface (floured board or ceramic) to a thickness of 1/4-1/2". Cut into
1x2" strips or with bone-shaped cookie cutter and place on non-stick cookie pan. Bake at 375° for 20 minutes or until lightly browned.
Cool and store in air-tight container. Makes about 30 medium biscuits.
Conclusion: This is just a collection of  dog treat recipes I compiled from online. Some of these recipes nearly sound good enough to eat for me. Check back every week for more healthy dog treat recipes.

For more information on dog treats and dog training check out dog training at home